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Privacy Policy
■ Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The company gathers only the minimum personal information required to offer unique and tailored information and services specific to “RIFATRON.”

The personal information of website visitors will not be used for any purpose other than primary collection purposes,
nor will it be provided to a third party without consent. If any individual incurs damages related to their information, “RIFATRON” assumes full responsibility.

■ Collected Personal Information and Method of Collection
When “RIFATRON” collects personal information from website users, we only gather the minimum information required to provide our services, and strictly limit the collection of sensitive personal data.
* Required: Name * Required: E-mail address, phone number (mobile)

■ Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
“RIFATRON” retains the personal information of website visitors while they are using our services, and we use this information to offer personalized services.
Information on inquiries made is stored, and if you wish to delete it, all related consultation details will be completely removed and processed to prevent viewing or usage.
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